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If being powerless is evil, does it mean that power is justice?
Co do ewolucji geassa to jest tak(jak dla mnie):
-pełna kontrola,
-włączony na stałe w jednym oku,
-włączony na stałe w obu oczach, co umożliwia odebranie code,
Co do samego odcinka
Ostatnio edytowany przez qduaty85 (2008-07-28 19:04:37)
a teraz z innej beczki
a teraz z innej beczki
Pokaż spoilerPolak dowódca 7 dywizji "Fryderyk Szymanowski"... to mnie rozbroiło nie mogli lepszego imienia i nazwiska dobrać
No trzeba przyznać że będzie niezły Total War.
Nie dziwie się że następny odcinek nie będzie tak pędził, bo coraz więcej pytań a odpowiedzi.
Ciekawe w jakiej sprawie Orange dzwonił do pewnego rycerza, czyżby kolejny plan Zero?
Oraz jaki był finał upadku Ogiego i Villety?
no epek super
Yami ni madoishi awarena kage yo... hito o kidutsukete otoshimete,
tsumi ni oboreshi gou no tama... ippen, shindemiru?
Na bank Suzaku bedzie chcial odstawić Lulka Imperatorowi, a w nagrodę awansuje i zostanie jego personalna kurewką od całodobowego całowania królewskich pośladków.
Mao (jeśli tak poprawnie się pisze) teoretycznie był zdolny zabić CC, lecz w praktyce on ją kochał więc nigdy by tego nie robił dlatego był dla niej bezużyteczny i go zostawiła aby znaleźć kogoś kto był by w stanie ewoluować z geass a potem także ją zabić .
Co do ep i całego CG to denerwuje mnie Lulu, niby tkai super gość nie popełnia błędów a nie może zapanować nad emocjami :/... to nie DN, i nie Kira. Zauważmy że ten drugi w tym względzie był idealny, Lulu w końcu "zwariuje", czyli schrzani całą sprawę to go przerasta .
Jeśli Lulu się opanuje to może dogada się z Suzaku. Jedyny problem w przypadku tych dwóch to emocje i użyte argumenty przy rozmowie.
PS. Potrzebuje pilnie ostatniego ep CG R1 w dobrej jakości, tego epa z DVD. Proszę o pomoc. brakuje mi tylko tego :/...
Ostatnio edytowany przez Ebrithil1691 (2008-07-28 22:50:01)
Zajac to co napisałeś wygląda jak jeden wielki bełkot ;/.
I właśnie to jest lepsze, że autorzy pokazują też emocje u Leloucha przez co jest bardziej ludzki i lepiej odbierany jako bohater, dobrze, że autorzy nie pokazują tylko bezwzględnych zachowań bohatera, który nie patrzy na nic, tylko dąży do celu. Co do zwariowania, to Light na końcu oszalał na maksa więc... ja bym tak nie mówił, że przerośnie to Leloucha, bo on jest głównym bohaterem i za pewne wygra z impkiem.
Ostatnio edytowany przez m(e)st (2008-07-28 23:00:03)
Zajac to co napisałeś wygląda jak jeden wielki bełkot ;/.
I właśnie to jest lepsze, że autorzy pokazują też emocje u Leloucha przez co jest bardziej ludzki i lepiej odbierany jako bohater, dobrze, że autorzy nie pokazują tylko bezwzględnych zachowań bohatera, który nie patrzy na nic, tylko dąży do celu. Co do zwariowania, to Light na końcu oszalał na maksa więc... ja bym tak nie mówił, że przerośnie to Leloucha, bo on jest głównym bohaterem i za pewne wygra z impkiem.
Może i na końcu wygra z imperatorem ale nie koniecznie przeżyje.
Możliwe że tutaj będzie podobne zakończenie jak w Death Note.
Albo po prostu Nina wysadzi wszystkich (łącznie ze sobą) w powietrze i takie właśnie będzie zakończenie.
Yami ni madoishi awarena kage yo... hito o kidutsukete otoshimete,
tsumi ni oboreshi gou no tama... ippen, shindemiru?
odnośnie Death Note, Ci którzy nie oglądali nie czytać
Sorki za wtrącenie w rozmowę o CG przemyśleń o DN ale jakoś nie mogę oddzielić tych dwóch anime.
Lulu przegra dlatego że ma emocje, albo wygra dzięki temu ... że autorzy stwierdzą iż dobrze przedstawili jego przemianę (dobry uczeń chcący zmienić świat na lepszy>zero okazujący emocje>bezwzględny zero>zero z emocjami>człowiek który się "nawrócił" xD) i nadaje się do tego aby żyć
Ostatnio edytowany przez Szum (2008-07-28 23:51:48)
Zgrzyt a załatwisz ją bez napisu?... bo jakoś nie pasuje mi ten napis do pulpitu ... Jakbyś mógł podaj str. gdzie ją znalazłeś.
Na jest już od kilku dni.
W tym Code geass z odcinka na odcinek coraz więcej akcentów polskich, ;] Wcześniej był aż 1 teraz są już 2 zostanie nam czekać tylko na polaka w jakimś super mechu
Spoilery co do odcinków 17, 18, 19, 20.
LWish a to dopiero początek
Tekst zawarty poniżej może zdradzić fabułę CG! Jeśli będziecie czytać to na własną odpowiedzialność.
Odnośnie Nunnally
-Anya is Lelouch's real sister
-Nunally is an abandoned Geass experiment that was adopted by Marianne
-Her had fake memories implanted by the Emperor using his Geass power
-Nunally's real brother is Rolo
-Rolo knows the truth and went into the battlefield solo during the battle of tokyo because he had to save Nunally
-Lelouch and Nunally are believed to have been killed during the nuclear bomb attack
-Cornelia joins Lelouch after he says he will extinguish Geass from this world
-At that time, Lelouch will destroy his own left eye
-The Order of the Black Knights will revolt against Lelouch after they find out that he is the son of the Emperor
-The order of the Black Knights decide that they no longer require Zero since they have joined the China/EU alliance
-Those who stay on Lelouch's side are CC, Cornelia, Orange, Sayoko, Villetta
-Kallen decides to leave after hearing Lelouch say that "I was the one who killed Shirley"
-Schneizel receives the Power of the Gods and will start conquering the world
-Gilford will take the Knight of Rounds and bring them under Cornelia's command
20: 2 Betrayals
Area 11 gets owned. Both the Black Knights and Britannia suffer massive loses due to the nuclear missiles on Ganymede. A lot of Japanese people try to escape... [something about Zero pursuing the war with Britannia?] Ougi and Toudou become more distrustful of Zero. And...
21: A Knight w/o Wings
Kallen fights Gino, and becomes a captive in Area 11. Anya and the Mordred are picked up. Suzaku gets his ass kicked by the Knight of One and is rescued by Xingke. Zero loses a lot of his principle Order members, such as Ougi and Toudou, for the sake of the war, and they head towards "some place".
22: Past and Future
Lelouch comes to the Chinese Federation and meets with Suzaku again. Suzaku takes blame onto his shoulders. In Britannia, during the 30th anniversary of the Emperor's rule, Schneizel challenges his father's throne and leads a revolt against the Emperor. However, after cornering the Emperor, the Emperor disappears saying, "This is for the world and such~" (? lul wat).
23: Battlefield of Twilight (Allusion to Ragnarok?)
Schneizel, who ruined Area 11, invades the Chinese Federation. The Super United States struggle against him, when suddenly, Kallen, Gino, Anya, Jeremiah, Xingke and Suzaku show up. Thus begins the final battle between both Lelouch and Schneizel, as well as the Super United Nations (note: it uses nation in katakana here, versus kanji for states up above) and Britannia.
24: The Sword that can kill the Gods
Lelouch slow gets cornered by Schneizel due to a massive difference in battle ability and strategy. The Knight of Twelve is killed by Jeremiah going kamikaze. The Super United States get pwnt by the Knight of One. Lelouch saves Suzaku, who has gone into the enemy base on purpose hoping he'll get killed.
The Avalon gets engulfed by light, which turns out to be a laser shot by the Sword of Akasha. Multiple KnightMares are destroyed. Is this the end of the world? Lelouch takes C.C. in hand and walks up the steps of the Temple.
26: Lelouch of the Rebellion (1hr Saturday the 27th Special)
The Emperor and V.V. thought that the world needs to be destroyed, and not re-created. Lelouch challenges the Emperor to live up to his contract, defend everyone, and turn the world into a gentle world.
theres a battle between britannia army and ootbk.. schnizel uses nina`s invention.. Suzaku tries to stop the battle and heads for area 11 but round knight 1 stops him.. during the battle the fearsome event will happen..
because of Nina`s nuke missile, area 11 is destroyed..crap... both parties(ootbk and britannia army) took great damage... while many japanese are running, Zero orders to continue fighting the britannia.. ougi and toudou was surprised of zeros`s cold order (what I mean is he didnn`t care for their safety something like that..)and they were dissapointed and.... (its cut so maybe they will betray or something...)
Gino who was captured due to his lost against karen was surprised to see waht happened in area 11.. suzaku was defeated by round knight 1 and was saved by the chineese guy.. (forgot his name... the long hair guy..).. well like what I said.. Zero was left by ougi and toudou and many other crew.. now he went somewhere to get some strength (army or something..
schnizel leaves the destroyed area 11 and attacks china... wow love this part... the union will fight schnizel and the fighting members includes karen, gino(wow), anya, orange kun, the chinese guy, and suzaku(whoah!!)... the final battle of lulu and schnizel, the union and britannia starts.
because of schnizels strategies and battle tactics Lelouch is are losing... due to orangekun`s special attack, he defeated knight 12 but due to knight 1`s strength many people in the union are being defeated... suzaku goes all out in the enemy`s formation.. and what saves him is lulu`s words..
Schneizel` ship was destroyed by some light... that was the god killing sword`s laser (akasha`s sword)... knightmares started to fall (I mean being defeated..) will this world will end?? to achieve their future lulu and CC heads toward the temple...
against charles and VV who wants to destroy the world and make it a new one.. to protect the place of everyone.. to create a good world... and most of all to grant CC`S wish in the contract.. lulu fights Charles
* Points that agree with the famous spoilers presented here.
=> Nina's bomb indeed destroyed good chunk of Japan (man what a crazy girl...)
=> Seems Black Knights indeed betray Zero and force him to retreat to China.
=> Schneizel eventually turn against his father after finding out the meaning of Geass and his plan.
=> Kallen indeed remains with Zero.
* New points probably have not mentioned here.
=> Suzaku is eventually forced to betray the Empire (Poor man. Your such logic is just flawed. Surprise surprise surprise)
=> Suzaku tried to stop fighting between Black Knights & allies and Schneizel, but stopped by Knight One.
=> Gino is defeated by Kallen, becoming POW. Later he got shocked after hearing that a some good chunk of Japan had been destroyed by Nina's bomb (Man, can we just please kill this crazy girl for the sake of Eupie?)
=> Anya and her mech get trashed and saved by Chinese force.
=> Suzaku was defeated by Knight of One, and also gets saved by Chinese force as well.
Spoiler for These are for chapter 22 to final, a bit shocking. Possibly will ruin your entertainment if these are indeed true.:
=> Suzaku and Lelouch meet again in China. Lelouch blames himself for all of these messes he made, Suzaku says he will carry their sins together.
(HOLD ON. They finally reassemble as friends again? For all the hates and dirty tricks trying to harm each other, there must be some really huge event that totally raped their minds. And only one thing I can think of is..... )
=> At the anniversary of Charles's 30th ruling year, Schneizel announces that he will betray his father.
=> Basically it is Charles vs. world. (hmmm omg)
=> The main characters of these battles are: Suzaku, Kallen, Anya, Gino, Jeremiah, Xingke, and others.
=> Suzaku relentlessly rushes into enemies, hoping that he would die. But Lelouch tells him to not do so, saving Suzaku. (omg you still acts such way?)
=> Charles uses the ruin (the sword of Akasha) to destroy Schneizel's flagship and other forces. the battle began to be hopeless for rest of world...
=> Lelouch and C.C go to the ruin for final round against Charles. (notice this final episode is special one... 60 minutes long! This shows that the series will indeed end this time.)
Corrections/Additions about the supposed episode summaries:
- The Knight of 12 gets killed by Jeremiah's suicide.
- Schneizel actually corners the Emperor in Britannia on the 30th anniversary thing, but the Emperor suddenly disappears saying "Guys I'm doing it for this world fff" (or something like that).
- Where does it say that Anya was picked up by China? It just says that Anya and Mordred are "collected".
- Schneizel (Britannia) and Lelouch (The Super United Nations [note that they use katakana for nations, and kanji for states]) have their final battle in China.
Jeśli już to przeczytaliście to możecie:
a) Zabić Mnie że to umieściłem
b) Przeklinać Siebie że to przeczytaliście
c) Czekać czy to się sprawdzi
- No to wchodzę do Jakuba na podwórze - ciągnął opowieść Semen - A on coś opieka na ognisku. Na rożnie znaczy się...Ja go pytam: “Jakub, gdzie upolowałeś taką żółtą wiewiórkę? “, a on mi na to: “Powiedziało, że nazywa się Pikaczu”...
Szkoda, miałem nadzieje, że CC jednak przeżyje...